My baby started school this past week. We were very hesitant to send her at such a young age. We have heard a lot of rude comments about our choice. But, for us it was the best decision. She is loving every minute of it!! Every morning she comes downstairs, gets dressed, hands me her stuff to do her hair and wants to leave. Unfortunately Tim and I aren't ready yet!
Tim has been taking her to school everyday. It's good bonding time for them. They are both really enjoying the ride each day.
I can't believe the stuff she is doing there everyday! She does reading lessons, math, science, she goes to specials like Art, Music, Gym and library. She eats in the big cafeteria!!
Each day she has to make her lunch choice. Each day she gets peanut butter and jwewwy. I told her she needs to try something different! Today I told her to get the homemade pizza. She gave me the thumbs up sign so I think she is listening!
Grandma Patti has been picking her up everyday. I think they miss each other! But, Mylie is enjoying the extra alone time with grandma. Patti does fun things with her after school. They go for ice cream, to the park to McDonalds etc.....